Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Roads Inc. “Catfish Pond” is a Public Health Risk

Photo Courtesy of Rick's Blog - More Photos In His Blog

Roads Inc. has created a clay pit that puts people in danger, and then the company had the gall to turn around and sue Escambia County when they told them to stop building it. The county is somewhat to blame; they let the company build the clay pit on their watch.

The now massive pit is attracting the attention of teenagers looking for a good time. This is bad; we all know how dangerous these pits are.

Roads Inc. and the county aren’t doing anything to prevent them from entering the pit. Roads Inc. has not put up any fence; the county isn’t enacting local ordinances or enforcing state law in order to keep the teenagers out.

Roads Inc. and the county are going to feel very foolish if they fail to prevent a tragedy. Hopefully - the city will thoroughly scrutinize this sketchy company before they hire them to work on their roads.


  1. The sketchy dealings of this company does not stop with the catfish pond/borrow pit. They are building subdivisions with septic tanks practically on top of DEP designated creek beds, cutting roads thru wetlands for their own purposes, pushing thru rezonings without the customary notification of rezoning hearings, and obtaining variances for these dealings.

  2. DEP?

    The same DEP that is helping IP continue to dump their polluted water?

    And the County? The county that thinks IP needs a tax abatement so it can make more money ?

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  5. Roads inc is only as good as
    the ppl who run it, and believe
    me the whole darned bunch of them
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