The story’s first sentence sets the stage for a fight by stating, “A church soon could use the main public parking lot at Navarre Beach for Sunday morning services.” Until the author quotes an ACLU member, the piece is a story about a church trying to find a worship spot after their old one was destroyed by Ivan.
By quoting an ACLU member, the author tried to instigate a fight. But the truth is – there is no controversy here.
No one has a problem with the Navarre Beachside Church using the Navarre Beach parking lot for their services, not even the ACLU. The regional director of the ACLU in Northwest Florida said "(The County) would have to give other religious organizations the same, and I'm sure they would."
You know it’s definitely a non-issue when the ACLU is siding with the religious folks.
The County Commissioners also don’t have a problem with letting the church use the county parking lot. The PNJ story says, “The commission voted unanimously to leave the request on the agenda for Thursday's regular meeting.”
This begs the question: If this story is a non-issue, why did the PNJ even publish it?
I will repeat what I posted in the PNJ:
I think they desire to be out in the parking lot on purpose. Out in the open with God and nature, rain or shine. To be in the parking lot may also be a ploy to attract more curious newbies (opposite of out-of-sight-out-of-mind).
But as the ACLU person eluded to, if the county okays this group, they will have a hard time denying any other group and the ACLU will be waiting in the wings to prove the point.
And was the ACLU's spokeperson using the word "sure" sarcastically in her statement?.
"But as the ACLU person eluded to, if the county okays this group, they will have a hard time denying any other group and the ACLU will be waiting in the wings to prove the point."
Are there really other groups that are clamoring to use this parking lot? I just don't think this is that big of a deal.
What if some satan worshipers wanted to use the parking lot for their services?
They know there is not a chance in hell (pun intended) that they would be given permission.
Now that the county has given permission to the church, they cannot say no to any other regilous group.
A very bad precedence has been set.
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